#Mhambc Day 28 - Light Can Always Be Found In The Dark

"Hope Begins In the Dark," Interpret the Quote: Tell us what the quote on the image below means to you.

This quote brings about a lot of introspection.  I have found myself to be in the dark many times.  It surely felt as if hope was no where to be found, but it must have been around because I made it out and back into the light each time.  Hope can come in many forms.  It manifests in the prayers of others if you are unable to seek it out for yourself.  Hope is the little voice in your head whispering to you that you can get through this obstacle.  It is that urge to push through the pain despite your medications not working.  Hope is acknowledging that there is always a dawn around the corner.  Never lose sight of the light that hope promises.  We are not stuck in a black hole devoid of light.  Sometimes it feels like we are but we must remember that we always have a way out of the darkness.  Whatever method you choose to find peace and calm is your way toward hope and light.  Meditation, prayer, hot baths, a cup of your favorite tea, a nap, or watching your favorite movie for the thousandth time...No matter the way we choose, light is always attainable IF you remember not to forget that it is always in your reach.

The Migraine and Headache Awareness Month Blog Challenge is organized by the American Headache and Migraine Association.


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