Become A Migraine Advocate
I have recently started working for Global Healthy Living Foundation (GHLF), a non-profit organization, as their part-time migraine patient advocacy coordinator. My role is to help recruit awesome, rockstar, and dedicated migraine patient advocates to join the 50-State Network, which is part of GHLF. Becoming a member of the 50-State Network is a step toward advocacy.

I shared why being a migraine patient advocate is important to me and how you can begin your advocacy journey on the 50-State Network site. You can click on the link below to read the article.
We welcome patients from all states, but are currently lacking migraine patient representation for the following states and territories:
Alaska | Louisiana | New Jersey | South Dakota |
Arizona | Maryland | New Mexico | Tennessee |
Arkansas | Michigan | North Carolina | Vermont |
Delaware | Mississippi | North Dakota | Washington |
Hawaii | Montana | Oklahoma | Wisconsin |
Iowa | Nebraska | Rhode Island | Wyoming |
Kentucky | New Hampshire | South Carolina | Puerto Rico |